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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Nobel Prize Winner praises new book

Published: 22 January 2010 Origin:  Politics and International Relations

Professor Gerry Stoker, along with Professor David Marsh (Australian National University) have just published the third edition of their successful text, Theory and Methods in Political Science (Palgrave Macmillan).

This new edition retains its focus on approaches and methods in political science, and now features a considerable internationalization in both the team of contributors and the range of coverage and examples.

Elinor Ostrom, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, has described it as: "An excellent introduction to theory and methods in which a distinguished group of scholars present and discuss eight theoretical approaches and seven methods for addressing key questions in Political Science."

Over the course of its three editions, Theory and Methods in Political Science has proved an invaluable tool to politics students, scholars and academics, and has become indispensable to all those who seek to engage in useful and rigorous political analysis.

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