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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Doctoral Training Centre

Published: 14 February 2011 Origin:  Politics and International Relations

The University of Southampton has been accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as a Social Science Doctoral Training Centre (DTC). This accreditation is for five years from October 2011.

Southampton is one of only twenty-one Social Science DTCs in England, Scotland and Wales: these are the only institutions which will receive ESRC-funding for postgraduate research.

A number of politics-related pathways have been accredited by the ESRC, including:

  • Citizenship and Democracy (1+3)
  • Global Politics (1+3)
  • Governance and Policy (1+3)
  • International Political Economy (1+3)

There are also a number of interdisciplinary pathways, including Energy, Environment and Resilience (+4).

DTC funding is open to anyone who fulfils Politics and International Relations entry requirements. If you are interested in applying, please follow the online guidance.

The ESRC is particularly keen to support doctoral research at Southampton which has quantitative or interdisciplinary elements. However, all applications will be considered.

Note: 1+3 denotes MSc with research training plus 3 years PhD funding; +4 denotes four years PhD funding.

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