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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Article published in the journal 'Demography'

Published: 23 May 2011 Origin:  Social Statistics and Demography

Professor Nyovani Madise has co-authored an article with Philippe Bocquier (Université Catholique do Louvain) and Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu (African Institute for Development Policy) that studies 'urban advantage' in child survival in 18 African countries.

This has just been published in 'Demography', a high-impact journal.

It is commonly thought that those living in urban areas of lower income countries have better health than those in rural areas - known as the 'urban advantage'. Their results call into question this advantage, highlighting that access to services and economic opportunities is the most important determinant of survival - and not place of residence itself.

The full article can be read online now .

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