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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Sociology professor interviewed on Radio 4's You and Yours about the impact of cuts on charities

Published: 16 June 2011 Origin:  Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology

Our esteemed Professor, John Mohan shared his expert views with Radio 4's You and Yours listeners about issues relating to the public funding of voluntary organisations.

John Mohan answered the question: at a time of cuts in levels of public spending, what proportion of organisations receive public income? What kinds of organisations are most likely to receive public funding? And what kinds of areas have a high share of publicly funded organisations? He was also asked his opinion on the extent to which voluntary organisations may be able to fill the gap left by cuts in public funding.

You can listen to the interview at:

John Mohan on Radio 4's You and Yours

The relevant section starts at 28 minutes and ends at 40 minutes, into the programme.

More details of the research are available at:

'Cuts are likely to hit charities harder than expected' news release

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