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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

ESRC Award for Research on Paradata (Field Process Data)

Published: 17 June 2011 Origin:  Social Statistics and Demography

Gabriele Durrant and Peter Smith (along with Frauke Kreuter from University of Maryland and IAB) have been awarded a three-year ESRC grant to work on the uses of paradata in sample surveys.

The key objectives of this research are to investigate the uses of paradata for longitudinal surveys with the aim of improving field process management and intervention decisions during data collection, and to explore how best to use such paradata in statistical models.

The research will be organised into three sub-projects which will:

  1. investigate the use of call record data and interviewer observations to study nonresponse in longitudinal surveys,
  2. provide insights into the effects of interviewing strategies and other interviewer attributes on response in longitudinal surveys, and
  3. gain knowledge about the measurement error properties of paradata, in particular interviewer observations.

Analysis techniques will include multilevel, discrete-time event history and longitudinal data analysis methods. Dissemination will include a short course and an international workshop on paradata.

For further information on the project please contact:

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