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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

MSc Gerontology £5,000 studentships deadline 13 May

Published: 8 May 2013 Origin:  Ageing & Gerontology

Two studentships are currently available for the face-to-face Gerontology programme for 2013/14 entry.

The Centre for Research on Ageing at the University of Southampton offers flexible pathways to study Gerontology at the postgraduate level. You can study either full-time or part-time at Southampton, or by Distance Learning.

Choose from:
Postgraduate Certificate/ MSc in Gerontology / MSc in Gerontology (Research) - ESRC accredited
MSc Gerontology (Distance Learning) – ESRC accredited
Short courses in Gerontology

The courses offer high quality training in Gerontology and research methods in a supportive environment. The MSc in Gerontology (Research) and MSc Gerontology (Distance Learning) offer excellent research methods training, and are accredited by the ESRC. Specialist modules in quantitative and qualitative research methods equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge in research methods, which is excellent preparation for the Masters dissertation and for students considering further studies or future research careers.

Further details on our programmes are available on our Ageing postgraduate taught courses pages

The Gerontology Programme Team, including the Admissions Tutor, Dr Athina Vlachantoni , won the Vice Chancellor's Award in 2012 in recognition of our outstanding contribution to the University.

The two studentships on offer for the face to face programme for 2013/04 entry have an application deadline of 13 May 2013 . To apply please visit our fees and funding pages

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