1st Southampton Workshop in Econometrics and Statistics
The 1st Southampton Workshop in Econometrics and Statistics was held at the Highfield campus, University of Southampton on the 23rd and 24th of April 2019 presentations focused on: “Recent Advances in Time Series & Spatial Econometrics (theory & applications)”.
The 2-day workshop was organised by Dr. Maria Kyriacou (Economics) and Prof. Zudi Lu (Mathematical Sciences) and was a joint effort of the Department of Economics and the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Southampton.
The workshop was funded by the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust and the Department of Economics at Southampton.
External Speakers
- Ruijun Bu (Liverpool)
- Jia Chen (York)
- Mingli Chen (Warwick)
- Abhimanyu Gupta (Essex)
- Clifford Lam (LSE)
- Degui Li (York)
- Renata Rabovic (Cambridge)
- Pedro Souza (Warwick)
- Eirini Tatsi (Stockholm)
- Wei Yang (Shanxi University)