Urbanization and Development in China Conference Programme Event
- Time:
- 08:30 - 23:00
- Date:
- 30 - 31 October 2014
- Venue:
- B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
Event details
Conference Programme
Thursday, 30th October 2014 - B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
8.30-9.00 Conference registration
9.00-9.30 Welcome tea & coffee networking
9.30-9.45 Welcome speech
- Mark Cranshaw (Confucius Institute Director)
- Susan Halford (Head of the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology)
- Derek McGee (Head of the School of Social Sciences)
9.45-10.30 Keynote speech 1
- A new great leap forward?: the implications of China’s urbanization for food security and rural wellbeing Prof Ann Anagnost (Washington University)
10:30 - 10:50 Refreshments & networking
B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
10.50 – 11.30 Keynote speech 2
- Sustainable urbanisation, environmental governance and the struggle for an Ecological Civilisation Dr Sam Geall (University of Sussex)
11.30- 12.50 Paper session 1 Urbanisation and the environment in China
China mega-urbanization in the 2000s and its environmental impact
Dr Sorichetta A (University of Southampton), Nghiem S.V., Masetti M., Richter A., Linard C., Gaughan A.E., Stevens F.R. & Tatem A.J. - China’s environmental pollution in the urbanization and industrialization process: an environmental index analysis Dr Jing GAO (Capital University of Economics and Business)
Sustainable urbanisation and energy generation in Beijing
Dr Urban, F. (School of African and Oriental Studies)
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch Finger Buffet
B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
13.50-15.30 Paper session 2 Health, ageing and care
- Individual and province inequalities in health among older people in China: evidence and policy implications Prof Maria Evandrou, Prof Jane Falkingham, Dr Athina Vlachantoni and Dr Zhixin FENG (University of Southampton)
- An analysis of time spent on informal care for disabled elderly: evidence from CHARLs Dr Xiaoting LIU (Zhejiang University)
- Social trust, interpersonal trust and self-rated health in China: a multi level study Dr Zhixin FENG (University of Southampton)
- Long term care service integrated with health care: definition, reclassified way and population forecasting in urban China Zhenzhen YANG (Northwest A&F University), Prof. Hong MI(Zhejiang University)
15:30 - 15:50 Conference Luxury Refreshments & networking
B38 Hartley B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
15:50-17:20 Paper Session 3 Urban transformation, migration and poverty
- From village to city: the process of urban transformation from the 1840s to the 1940s Dr Yunlian CHEN (Takushoku University, Japan)
- New-type Urbanization and the Transition of Migrant Workers in China: A New Subject Prof. Lihua JIANG (Central China Normal University)
- A Study on Chinese urban poverty Prof. Hanwen LU (Central China Normal University)
- Selling and buying fresh vegetables in Beijing: food, markets, migration and the urban environment Dr Anna Boermel (King’s College London)
17:30 – 18.30 Public lecture Venue: tbc
Urban cultural heritage and the development of a creative industry business model in China Prof. Jiang GU (Nanjing University)
Drink reception
18:30 - 23:00 Conference Dinner
B38 Blue Room Building 38 and 40
Friday 31 Oct 2014
B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
09:00 - 09:20 Welcome Tea & Coffee
B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
9:20 – 10.40 Paper Session 4 Rural & urban change
- Marriage between ‘matching doors’: marital sorting between parental background in rural and urban China Yang HU (Cambridge University)
- The time use pattern and labour supply of left behind women and children in rural China Hao XU (University of Southampton)
- Informal employment in China: opportunity or last resort? Xiaoman LI (Capital University of Economics and Businss)
- International immigrants in China Prof. Pauline Leonard (University of Southampton)
- Competing Evaluation Logics: Exploring Social Impact in India and China Dr Pathik Pathak (University of Southampton)
10:40 - 11:00 Refreshments
B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)
11:00-12:00 Intensive research forum sessions
Workshop 1 Environment
Workshop 2 Health, ageing and care
Workshop 3 Migration, poverty and development
12:00-12:10 Conference Closing Speech
Mark Cranshaw (Confucius Institute Director)
Susan Halford (Head of Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology)
12:10 -12.30 Guided walk around Highfield Campus
Meeting point: B38 Hartley Suite
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Finger Buffet
B38 Hartley Suite (Hartley Building 38 and 40 Lounge)