Credibility of empirical research conference July 2015 Event

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Event details
The University of Southampton are hosting an international and interdisciplinary conference on the 'Credibility of Research' with an emphasis on the perspective of social and behavioural sciences.
There are recent claims that science has entered a crisis of trust: many empirical results, usually expressed in terms of statistical significance, appear to be surprisingly hard to replicate, thus eroding the public trust in scientific results and, possibly, also in scientific methodology more generally. The Conference will offer opportunities to discuss the state of affairs as well as possible solutions. It aims to consider:
- Has science entered a crisis of confidence?
- How can we ensure the reliability of scientific findings?
- What can Economics (and Behavioural Science) contribute to a resolution?
The scientific program will consist of two keynote lectures, a number of invited talks organised in plenary sessions and a roundtable with a policy focus.
Friday 3rd July 2015
9.00 – 9.30 Registration & Coffee (open to all)
9.30 – 10.50
Taking Stock of the Problem of Credibility in Science
1. Daniele Fanelli (Stanford University, USA): “An overall empirical perspective of the scientific crisis.”
2. Malcom Macleod (University of Edinburgh, UK): "What do we know about the credibility of research in the biomedical sciences?"
10.50 – 11.20 Coffee Break (open to all)
11.20 – 12.40
Cutting-Edge Research on the Credibility Problem
1. Zoltan Dienes (University of Sussex, UK): “The problems of NHST and frontier research in Bayesian analysis.”
2. Despina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis (Stanford University, USA): “Examples of meta-epidemiologic research.”
12.40 - 14.00 Break (Lunch Time)
14.00 - 16.00
The Debate about the Credibility Problem in Psychology
1. Klaus Fiedler (University of Heidelberg, Germany): “Inference, the credibility problem and replications in psychology.”
2. Roger Giner-Sorolla (University of Kent, UK): “Thoughts on the (partial) success of the methodology and reporting revolution in social psychology.”
3. Simone Schnall (Cambridge University, UK): “Is the replication culture in psychology becoming counterproductive?”
16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break (open to all)
16.30 - 17.45 Keynote Address: “What is meta-research and what does it aspire to?”
John Ioannidis (Stanford University, USA)
John Ioannidis will summarise the first day of the conference and give his own personal take on the issues, with a special focus on the mechanics of the knowledge system, the credibility crisis and assessing possible solutions.
Saturday 4th July 2015
8.45 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 - 10.20 The Credibility Crisis and Economics
1. Francesco Guala (University of Milan, Italy): “Economics as scientific discipline in an era of credibility crisis – the view from philosophy of science.”
2. Zacharias Maniadis (University of Southampton, UK): “What can economics offer to and receive from other sciences in a time of credibility crisis?”
10.20 - 10.50 Coffee Break (open to all)
10.50-12.50 Economic Modelling of the Current System and Suggested Reforms
1. Elizabeth Schulte (University of Marburg, Germany): “On the optimal provision of incentives in research environments.”
2. Emeric Henry (Sciences Po, France): “Selective disclosure of research results and the approval process.”
3. Marco Ottaviani (Bocconi University, Italy): “Economists, institutions and incentives in science.”
12.50 - 14.00 Break (Lunch Time)
14.00-15.30 Roundtable Discussion: “Scientific Knowledge, Economics and Society”
The roundtable discussion will be mainly devoted to the stakeholders’ views concerning the weaknesses of the modern knowledge system, as well as stimulating a discussion about possible directions for improving the status quo.
Jane Falkingham
(Chair), Roger Giner-Sorolla, John Ioannidis, Charles Manski and Marco Ottaviani
15.30-16.15 Refreshments Break (open to all)
16.15-17.30 Economics Keynote Address: “On the Credibility of Economic Policy Analysis.”
Charles F. Manski (Northwestern University, USA)
Charles Manski will summarise the whole conference and give his own personal take on some of the discussed issues.
Organizing Committee:
Thomas Gall
(Economics, University of Southampton).
Zacharias Maniadis
(Economics, University of Southampton).
Constantine Sedikides
(Psychology, University of Southampton).
Fabio Tufano (Economics, University of Nottingham).
We would be delighted to welcome both presenters and non-presenters.
To register your place please visit the conference booking page:
Please note that the space is limited so please make sure you book early. Registration is free for any attendee and will include snacks and coffee during breaks. Attendance to the conference dinner and lunches is available only for presenters and a very limited number of attendees.
The last date for registering for the event is 15 June 2015.