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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Risk of admission to care homes for older people: findings from the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Seminar

Social Statistics and Demography
4 December 2014
Building 58 room 1009

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Centre for Population Change on 023280592579 (Mel Morgan - Centre Administrator) or email .

Event details

Centre for Population Change seminar

A joint CPC/CRA/CLC seminar: Over the last two centuries, the West has seen huge changes in nutrition, lifestyle, medicine and hygiene, leading to large gains in life expectancy and population health. The net effect of these improvements is to concentrate the need for health and social care onto the older population. Health and social care provision must plan ahead for the demand for services such as long term residential and nursing home care, and formal home care services. The vast majority of the care and support for older people in the community continues to come from informal social support networks, the friends and family of the older person. Better understanding of how this social environment influences care home utilisation can allow for better understanding of how demographic changes may affect the utilisation of formal services and what the appropriate health service response should be. In this seminar I will present work based on the analysis of the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study, an administrative data linkage study based on the linkage of health records, Census records, other administrative data sources, and further linkages to data from the regional care home inspectorate. The study investigates risk of admission to care homes for older people, and will focus in particular on the importance of gender, living arrangements, housing tenure, and urban versus rural residence.

Speaker information

Dr Mark Mccann , University of Glasgow. Research Fellow

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