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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

The legacy of Brexit: mobility and citizenship in times of uncertainty Seminar

Social Statistics and Demography
09:00 - 17:00
31 March 2017
Building 2, Room 1085, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

For more information regarding this seminar, please email .

Event details

Following the Brexit vote the future status and rights of EU citizens living in the UK has become uncertain. This, the third and final seminar in our series examining how to 'think sociologically' about Brexit, looks at the changing relationship between mobility and citizenship. We will discuss mobility and naturalisation decision-making and the meaning of 'citizenship' in the context of social uncertainty.

Bringing together the arts and sociology, the event will include keynote speeches by the poet George Szirtes , and Bridget Byrne , a Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester.

This day seminar, organised by the Centre for Population Change and funded by the Sociological Review Foundation, takes place at the University of Southampton on the 31st March 2017. Registration is free of charge and complimentary lunch and refreshments will be provided.

For more detailed information on the programme and keynote speakers please see the Seminar Series flyer .

For further announcements, please follow the series' Facebook page , or visit the Socio Brexit website

For recordings of talks from the previous Sociology of 'Brexit' seminar series please go to our YouTube Channel .

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