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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Seminar: Bradley Tombleson and Cuiling Zhang Seminar

12:00 - 13:30
9 November 2018
Building 04, Room 4003.

Event details

A joint seminar hosted by CPC and the Department of Social Statistics and Demography

Bradley Tombleson, University of Southampton – 'The ageing-migration nexus: provincial-level trends in China'
Cuiling Zhang, China Population and Development Research Center - 'The Reinterpretation of China's Fertility Decline: the Neglected Role of Birth Timing Policy'

Both speakers will be presenting 40 minute talks, with time for questions.
A sandwich lunch will be provided.

All future CPC seminars and events can be found on our website .

Speaker information

Bradley Tombleson . University of Southampton

Cuiling Zhang , China Population and Development Research Center .

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