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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences Postgraduate study

Esther Clift MSc Gerontology (Taught), 2012

Older Person's Specialist Physiotherapist

Esther Clift's Photo

Hi, I'm Esther Clift and I studied MSc Gerontology (Taught) within Social Sciences: Ageing/Gerontology at the University of Southampton.

The MSc Gerontology part-time taught course offered that flexibility, and a breadth of study, to stimulate and challenge my 'medical model' background.

I work at the Southampton University Hospital Trust as an Older Person's Specialist Physiotherapist, and I had been looking for further study opportunities which would enable me to continue living and working in Southampton.

I was daunted by the prospect of taking on this level of study as it was 20 years since my undergraduate days! The lecturers have given clear guidelines, and are always at the end of an email for specific advice. It has been a steep learning curve, but I have felt very supported in it.

I have enjoyed the continuing stimulation from lectures and seminars, as well as the interaction with the wealth of international students. Also, the opportunity to share some of my working 'practical' experience with the group.

Access to wider lectures and facilities, such as the Nuffield Theatre and Turner Sims music venue, has also been great.

After graduation, I will continue in my present job, but I have identified new skills and abilities which I am keen to put into practice. I am also starting to think that a PhD might be a great opportunity.

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