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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Local Government

Local government is one of the biggest employers in the UK, with around 600 occupational areas.

This field offers a diverse and wide-ranging professional environment with good prospects for progression and promotion. It covers a range of roles including housing, finance, human resources, education, planning, transport, tourism, libraries, leisure and recreation, regeneration, social work, health and IT.


The position of Local government officer involves assisting in council policy formulation and implementation as well as ensuring that local services are delivered effectively.

Skills Required:

Things to Consider:

National Graduate Development Programme

The Local Government Association run a two-year graduate management development programme, The National Graduate Development Programme

The programme aims to provide local government with the high-calibre managers their communities need and to give committed graduates the training and opportunities to make a positive impact in the sector.

Since 2002 over 730 graduates have completed the programme and many now hold influential managerial and policy roles.


Salaries in local government are varied and depend largely on location and experience. For more information on this please see the link below.

Please note that salaries are likely to vary between local councils/authorities and according to the specific role and area of work. Higher earnings are possible with progression to senior management or head of department positions. Some authorities have performance-related pay schemes.

Find out more - Prospects- Local government salary information

(Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) © Copyright AGCAS & Graduate Prospects Ltd ) The university is not responsible for external content.

Useful links

The university cannot be held responsible for any external content

JobsGoPublic - Local government

Guardian Jobs - Local government

National Career Service - Local government

LocalGov Jobs

Local government jobs in Hampshire

Demography and statistics careers

Career choices for  Demography and Social Statistics graduates

Economics careers

Career choices for Economics graduates

Politics careers

Career choices and support for Politics and International Relations graduates

Sociology careers

Career choices for Sociology, Social Policy, Criminology and Anthropology graduates

Photo of Kenny McCarthy
From working in the third sector to playing regular football for the Social Sciences team, the skills I have developed at Southampton will prove invaluable in any future job.

Study abroad and exchanges

Current students: Take part in exchanges with partner institutions outside the UK. Overseas students: Study Social Sciences in the UK via our bespoke 'Studyabroad@Southampton' pathways.

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