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Royal Society and NESTA Interdisciplinary Workshops

Published: 24 August 2011

Royal Society and NESTA Interdisciplinary Workshops

Dear all Southampton researchers are being offered a unique opportunity to form interdisciplinary collaborations in synthetic biology. The Royal Society of Chemistry and NESTA have developed a workshop programme to spark cross-discipline innovation in the field. The workshops will run in Southampton at the end of September and there is a seed-funding prize to play for. Synthetic biology holds great promise for tackling many of humanity's problems. It demands input from many disciplines, including biology, chemistry, engineering, arts and social sciences. The RSC/ NESTA programme, called Connections in Synthetic Biology, aims to bring together researchers in these fields, including those new to synthetic biology. It has already run successfully at Edinburgh University and Imperial College, London. The Southampton workshops take place over 2 days at Chilworth Manor from 30 th September to 1 st October 2010. Southampton University academics of senior postdoc level and above are invited to apply to take part. There will be a seed-funding prize for the best project proposal submitted after the workshop. To apply, please download and complete the application form at and email it to Dr Ellen Friel at the Royal Society of Chemistry ( ) by 27th August 2010.

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