Announcing the launch of the Southampton Ethics Centre
The University of Southampton is pleased to announce the launch of the Southampton Ethics Centre (SEC). The SEC brings together the large community of researchers working on ethics and ethics-related issues across the University.
With members from departments/schools including Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, History, Law, Management, Medicine, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy, and from research centres including C2G2, CELS, CLEG, HEAL and the Parkes Institute, the SEC will show-case the multi-disciplinary work already under way at the University, build on existing inter-disciplinary ethics teaching, and nurture inter-disciplinary research and outreach.
Over the course of its first year, the SEC will host a number of events, several co-organised with existing research centres, and beginning with its
launch on Wed Oct 16th
. The launch will present an afternoon of talks from staff in Law, Medicine and Philosophy, rounded off by the third ‘Ethical Challenges' lecture, given by Baroness Onora O'Neill, crossbench peer, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and distinguished moral philosopher.
In the coming week, the Centre's website will go live, offering - among other things - a calendar of ethics-related events taking place across the University. Full details will be available shortly through the Philosophy Department