Southampton Ethics Centre Update - Autumn 2017
Dear All, This is the autumn update on SEC events.
SEC Seminar Series
21st November: Dr Dan Watts (Essex) The Idea of the Theological Virtues (4-6pm 65/2115 Avenue Campus)
28th November: Dr Aness Webster (Nottingham) It’s All Too Hard: The Demandingness of Morality and Rationality (4-6pm 65/2115 Avenue Campus)
March 2018: A.D.Viens (UoS Law). Further details to follow.
‘Artificial Ethics’ symposium
18th - 19th December, venue TBC
Autonomous systems are set to become ever more integrated into human society and this symposium will explore the ethical issues - both theoretical and practical – that their development and implementation raise.
Featuring speakers from Engineering, Computing and Philosophy, including Rafaela Hillerbrand (Karlsruhe) and Noah Goodall (Virginia).
Organised in collaboration with the Autonomous Systems USRG
Organisers: Will McNeill and Fiona Woollard.
For details and a CFP:
2018 Ethical Challenges lecture
This year’s Ethical Challenges lecture will be given on 8th February by Helen Frowe (Stockholm). Helen is the author of ‘The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction’ (Routledge, 2015, 2nd ed.) and ‘Defensive Killing’ (Oxford, 2014). She is the Director of the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace. Further details to follow.