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The University of Southampton
Southampton Ethics Centre

Everyday ethical dilemmas in healthcare: power, politics and practices Event

10 May 2016
Royal College of Nursing, Central London

For more information regarding this event, please email Events at .

Event details

We are pleased to announce our second everyday ethics conference and to invite you to submit a paper, poster or creative workshop activity. Our inaugural conference in January 2015 brought together practitioners, people who use services, students and academics from different disciplines to explore the ordinary, everyday ethical dilemmas encountered in health and care practice. Presentations and conversations connected lived experiences to broader social and political discourses and identified the need to reframe them in more collaborative and useful ways. In the year since, that need has only intensified, as we seek to work collectively, to think things through together, to listen to voices traditionally marginalised and to act in the best interests of others.

This year we seek to undertake a deeper analysis of the kinds of ethical issues and questions arising from practice, and to investigate them in light of new perspectives. Categories such as ‘patient’, ‘student’, and ‘professional’ – as well as ideas of distinct academic disciplines, health organisations or agencies – are often used to describe and justify certain political projects or reforms. We want to ask, can these terms obscure or inhibit some of the ways in which, in practical ways, we forge other relationships and alliances, and express ourselves in different moral and political registers? Seeing things in terms of everyday ethics can help us to frame some of these mainstream discussions in alternative ways and begin to see things differently.

Our goal for this year’s conference is to connect and find synergies in related projects, working together in new and interesting ways leading up to, during and following the conference event. Ideas will be generated through the call for papers and across social media networks. They are likely to include conversations, the creation of learning resources, and new ways of interpreting and developing ethical approaches. We want to encourage and facilitate work on a special journal series or jointly authored textbook that benefits from multiple viewpoints and is available to a wide audience.

For more information and booking, please click here .

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