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The University of Southampton
Southampton Ethics Centre

How sea level rise and climate change may impact low lying island in the Pacific Seminar

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25 September 2017
Main Lecture Theatre, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Fraser Sturt at .

Event details

On Monday 25th September, between 2-3pm we will be hosting a special seminar in the main lecture theatre at the National Oceanography Centre, highlighting how sea level rise and climate change may impact low lying island in the Pacific. At this event, we will start by airing a short film, shot and produced by Alex Leger (a former producer with BBC Blue Peter), with commentary from Ivan Haigh - Ocean and Earth Science. The short film tells the story of Walande Island in the Solomon Island chain. Once a thriving fishing village with a population of 1,000 people, it is now virtually uninhabited, following a major storm and coastal flood in 1997. Following the short film, Ivan Haigh will lead a discussion on the future of low lying Islands with special guests: Bishop William Pwaishiho and Rev’d Nigel Kelaepa, both of whom were born in the Solomon Islands and have witnessed first hand the impacts of climate change on their island nations. Joining the discussion will be Professor Robert Nicholls (Engineering in the Environment), a expert in the impact of sea level rise, and Dr Cecilia D’Angelo (Ocean and Earth Science) an expert on coral reefs.

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