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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre Seminars

Southampton Gravity Seminars: 2014-2015

Seminars take place on Thursdays 12:00-13:00 in Building 54, Room 5025 (5B) in Mathematical Sciences.

8 September 2014: Konstantinos Gourgouliatos (McGill, Canada) [DAY/TIME/LOCATION CHANGE: Mon 1pm in 58/1065]

Magnetic field evolution in neutron star crusts

2 October 2014: Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht, Netherlands) [TIME/LOCATION CHANGE: 11am in 02/1089 (L/T D)]

The cellular automaton interpretation of quantum mechanics

6 October 2014: Ilya Mandel (Birmingham) [SPECIAL: with Astronomy Lunch Talk, 1pm in 46/seminar room (5th floor)]

Adventures in astrostatistics

9 October 2014: Maarten van de Meent (Southampton)

Resonant recoil from black hole binaries

16 October 2014: David Sloan (Oxford)

Inflationary attractors

23 October 2014: Oliver Porth (Leeds)

Modeling the Crab nebula and the solution to the sigma problem

30 October 2014: Caroline D'Angelo (Leiden, Netherlands)

How radiatively inefficient is a radiatively-inefficient accretion flow? Using magnetized neutron stars to test accretion models

6 November 2014: Kirill Krasnov (Nottingham)

Parity-asymmetric theories of gravity

13 November 2014: Roberto Emparan (Barcelona, Spain)

Black holes in the 1/D expansion

20 November 2014: Carl Kent (Sheffield)

Hadamard renormalised scalar field theory on anti-de Sitter space-time

27 November 2014: Bridget Falck (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation-Portsmouth)

Voids and gravity in the cosmic web

4 December 2014: Patrick Nolan (University College Dublin, Ireland)

Extracting physics from the self force: New gauge invariant quantities

8 December 2014: Kenta Kiuchi (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics-Kyoto, Japan) [DAY/LOCATION CHANGE: Mon 12pm in 54/Ketley room (4th floor)]

Magnetized binary neutron star merger simulations in numerical relativity

11 December 2014: George Pappas (Nottingham)

Doing astrophysics around neutron stars: Their global properties and the properties of orbits around them

18 December 2014: Nathan Johnson-McDaniel (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-Bangalore, India) [LOCATION CHANGE: 54/Ketley room (4th floor)]

Taming the post-Newtonian expansion: Understanding (and simplifying) the structure of high-order post-Newtonian expansions for compact binaries

Christmas Break

8 January 2015: No seminar

Exam Period

29 January 2015: David Berenstein (University of California-Santa Barbara, USA)

Extremal chiral ring states in AdS/CFT are described by free fermions

5 February 2015: Thomas Sotiriou (Nottingham)

Causality in theories with a preferred foliation

12 February 2015: Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos (Charles University, Czech Republic)

Chaos around black hole candidates

19 February 2015: Roland Haas (Albert Einstein Institute Potsdam-Golm, Germany)

Core collapse and binary neutron star inspiral simulation using multipatch grids

26 February 2015: Deborah Aguilera (German Aerospace Center, Germany)

Inferring neutron stars crust properties from quiescent thermal emission

5 March 2015: Tanja Hinderer (Albert Einstein Institute Potsdam-Golm, Germany)

Effective one-body modeling of the gravitational waves from neutron star - black hole binaries

12 March 2015: Bert Vercnocke (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

de Sitter space in supergravity and string theory

19 March 2015: Toby Wood (Newcastle)

A 3D MHD model of a neutron star crust

Easter Break

23 April 2015: Francesco Pannarale (Cardiff)

Searching for coalescing neutron star binaries in the advanced gravitational wave detector era

30 April 2015: Eugene Lim (King's College London)

How to run through walls: An analytic approach to ultra-relativistic collisions of solitons

7 May 2015: Hiranya Peiris (University College London)

Cosmological inflation: From observations to fundamental physics

12 May 2015: Roman Gold (University of Maryland-College Park, USA) [DAY/TIME CHANGE: Tue 1pm in 54/5025 (5B)]

Hot accretion flows onto binary and single black holes

14 May 2015: Manjari Bagchi (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India, and Institut de Ciencies de L'Espai, Spain)

Use of binary radio pulsars with ultra-compact companions to understand basic physics

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