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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre Seminars

Southampton Gravity seminars: 2016-2017

Seminars take place on Thursdays 12:00-13:00 in 54/7033(7C), unless otherwise noted.

26 September 2016: Michael Kavic (LIU Brooklyn, USA) [DAY/TIME/LOCATION CHANGE: Mon 1230-130pm in 54/7035(7B)]

Shining light on quantum gravity with pulsar-black hole binaries

6 October 2016: Andreas Schmitt (Southampton)

Dense nuclear and quark matter in holographic QCD

13 October 2016: Enrico Pajer (Utrecht, Netherlands) [CANCELLED/POSTPONED]

20 October 2016: Shahar Hadar (Cambridge)

Gravitational waves via Kerr/CFT

27 October 2016: Bill Unruh (British Columbia, Canada) [CANCELLED/POSTPONED]

3 November 2016: Constança Providência (Coimbra, Portugal)

How large is the crust of neutron stars?

10 November 2016: Christos Charmousis (LPT Orsay, France)

Black holes in scalar tensor theories

17 November 2016: David Nichols (Radboud, Netherlands)

Gravitational-wave memory observables and charges of the extended BMS algebra

24 November 2016: Justin Vines (Albert Einstein Institute Potsdam-Golm, Germany) [CANCELLED/POSTPONED]

1 December 2016: Glenn Barnich (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Finite BMS transformations

8 December 2016: Norihiro Tanahashi (Osaka, Japan)

Black hole horizon is a nest of chaos

15 December 2016: Armen Sedrakian (Frankfurt, Germany)

Cold and dense QCD and compact stars: EOS, cooling and axions

Christmas Break

12 January 2017: Matthew Browning (Exeter) [DAY/LOCATION CHANGE: Fri in 54/Ketley room (4th floor)]

Magnetism, buoyancy, and dissipation in convective stars and planets

Exam Period

26 January 2017: Kei Yamada (Kyoto, Japan) [LOCATION CHANGE: 54/4011(4A)]

Near-horizon expansion of second-order black hole perturbations

2 February 2017: No seminar

9 February 2017: Anne Franzen (Tecnico Lisboa, Portugal)

Strong Cosmic Censorship as seen from scalar waves in black hole interiors

16 February 2017: Carlos Herdeiro (Aveiro, Portugal) [CANCELLED/POSTPONED]

23 February 2017: Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht, Netherlands)

Topological twists of space-time in black holes

2 March 2017: Steffen Aksteiner (Albert Einstein Institute Potsdam-Golm, Germany)

Black hole perturbations and symbolic computer algebra

9 March 2017: No seminar

16 March 2017: Kinwah Wu (University College London)

Dynamics of fast spinning neutron stars around a massive black hole

23 March 2017: Georgios Moschidis (Princeton, USA and Cambridge)

Superradiant instabilities for the scalar wave equation

Easter Break

27 April 2017: Georgi Dvali (NYU, USA and LMU and Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany) [CANCELLED/POSTPONED]

4 May 2017: Nanda Rea (Amsterdam, Netherlands and IEEC-CSIC, Spain)

The explosive behaviour of neutron stars with strong magnetic fields

11 May 2017: Andrzej Rostworowski (Jagiellonian, Poland)

Towards a theory of nonlinear gravitational waves: a systematic approach to nonlinear gravitational perturbations in vacuum

18 May 2017: Abraham Harte (Dublin City, Ireland)

Metric-independence of electromagnetic fields


Gavin Hartnett < >, Sam Lander < >, Abhay Shah < >

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