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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre Seminars

Gravity seminars 2019-2020

Seminars take place on Thursdays 12:00-13:00 in Building 54, Room 7033 (7C), unless otherwise noted.

3 October 2019: Oscar Reula (University of Cordoba)

On necessary and sufficient conditions for strong hyperbolicity

10 October 2019: Prasanta Bera (Southampton)

Perturbation to a magnetic neutron star with shear modulus

17 October 2019: Pantelis Pnigouras (Southampton)

Secular instabilities in neutron stars

24 October 2019: Michal Bejger (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre, Warsaw)

Neutron star tidal deformability from the current and future gravitational wave detections

31 October 2019: Vojtech Witzany (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

How do you know "small", "light" bodies move on geodesics?

7 November 2019: Carsten Gundlach (Southampton)

Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse

14 November 2019: Nathan Seiberg (IAS) [NOTE UNUSUAL ROOM: 02A/2077 (L/T J)]

Field Theories with a Vector Global Symmetry

21 November 2019: Nicolas Kovensky (Southampton)

Phases of heavy holographic QCD

28 November 2019: Martin Taylor (Imperial College)

The nonlinear stability of the Schwarzschild family of black holes

5 December 2019: Katy Clough (University of Oxford)

Searching for light dark matter in strong gravity environments

12 December 2019: Uli Sperhake (Cambridge)

Inverse chirp signals from stellar core collapse in massive scalar tensor gravity

Christmas Break

9 January 2020: Ian Harry (Portsmouth)

GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass ~3.4 Msun

Exam Period

30 January 2020: Ben Stappers (Manchester)

Title: Fast Radio Bursts: Enigmatic Sources with Potential As Cosmological Probes

6 February 2020: Magdalena Sieniawska (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre, Warsaw)

Mysterious neutron stars: dense-matter interiors and gravitational-wave searches

13 February 2020: Rodrigo Macedo (Queen Mary)

Revisiting black-hole perturbation theory: the hyperboloidal slice approach

20 February 2020: Davide Gerosa (Birmingham)

Multiple generations of black-hole mergers to pinpoint their astrophysical origin

27 February 2020: Peter Zimmerman (AEI)

Perturbations of Kerr spacetime: nonlinear Teukolsky formalism, quasinormal mode bilinear form, and applications

27 February 2020: Stephen Green (AEI) [NOTE SPECIAL TIME AND ROOM: 15:00, room 54/5025 (5B)]

Likelihood-free gravitational-wave parameter estimation with neural networks

5 March 2020: Carlos Herdeiro (Aveiro University)

Testing the Kerr hypothesis: the examples of synchronisation and scalarisation

12 March 2020: Patricia Schmidt (Birmingham)

Gravitational-Wave Asteroseismology with f-Mode Dynamic Tides in Compact Binary Inspirals

19 March 2020:

No seminar

Easter Break

23 April 2020: Jelle Hartong (Edinburgh) [Online seminar]

Non-relativistic expansion of general relativity

30 April 2020: Sebastian Völkel (SISSA) [Online seminar]

Inverse Problems in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

7 May 2020: Donal O'Connell (Edinburgh) [Online seminar]

Quantum Amplitudes and Classical Gravity

14 May 2020: Denis Martynov (Birmingham) [Online seminar]

Current status and future prospects of the LIGO detectors

21 May 2020: Nick Evans (Southampton) [Online seminar]

Chiral Symmetry Breaking & Confinement: Breaking the Link

28 May 2020: Béatrice Bonga (Radboud University Nijmegen) [Online seminar]

Resonances in black hole spacetimes and neutron stars


Oscar Dias

Soichiro Isoyama

Ian Jones

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