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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre Seminars

Gravity Seminars 2024-2025

Seminars take place Thursdays 14:00-15:00 in room 54/10031 (semester 1) and 54/10037 (semester 2), unless otherwise noted.

3 October 2024 (54/8B): Group Introductions

Introduction of new group members

10 October 2024 (54/8B): Lorenzo Küchler (Southampton)

Framework for inspiral-merger-ringdown waveforms from self-force theory

17 October 2024 (54/7C): Aditya Vaswani (Southampton)

Describing the motion of ultrarelativistic objects in curved spacetimes

24 October 2024: Hong Qi (Queen Mary)

Quantum Computing for Gravitational Wave Astronomy

31 October 2024: Alexander Haber (Southampton)

Microphysical Models and Weak Interactions in Neutron Star Mergers

7 November 2024: Oliver Long (AEI Potsdam)

Black hole scattering in the strong-field regime: Merging post-Minkowskian theory with numerical methods

14 November 2024: Charlie Hoy (Portsmouth)

Bayesian inference for transient gravitational-wave signals observed with LISA

21 November 2024: Robyn Munoz (Sussex)

Characterising spacetime during cosmological collapse

27 November 2024: Nancy A. Levenson (Space Telescope Science Institute) -
                                        STAG COLLOQUIUM [29/1101, 14:30]

Probing the Centers of Active Galactic Nuclei with the James Webb Space Telescope

28 November 2024: Isobel Romero-Shaw (Cambridge)

Stellar-mass binary black holes in circumbinary disks: smoking-gun signatures in LISA

5 December 2024: Laura Sberna (Nottingham)

Perturbation theory with black hole quasinormal modes

12 December 2024: Suprovo Ghosh (Southampton)

Tidal Dissipation in Binary neutron star inspiral : Signature for exotic matter in neutron star cores

Christmas Break

9 January 2025: Lucy Thomas (Caltech)

Accelerating Gravitational Waveform Models with Machine Learning

Exam Period

23 January 2025: Nikolas Wittek (AEI Potsdam)

Relieving the scale disparity in binary black hole simulations

30 January 2025: Miquel Miravet Tenes (Southampton)

Modelling turbulence in neutron stars

6 February 2025: Bruno Alexandre (Imperial)

Unimodular JT gravity and de Sitter quantum cosmology

13 February 2025: Tim Dietrich (AEI Potsdam) 

Simulating and Interpreting the Multimessenger Picture of Neutron Star Mergers

20 February 2025: Mayusree Das (Bangalore)

Exploring neutron star superconductivity by solving the Einstein-Maxwell equations

27 February 2025: Gregory Ashton (Royal Holloway, University of London)


6 March 2025: Vanessa Graber (Royal Holloway, University of London)


13 March 2025: 

20 March 2025: Tanja Hinderer (Utrecht University)


27 March 2025: David Neilsen (Brigham Young University)


Easter Break

1 May 2025: Sam Lander (University of East Anglia) [Note unusual room: 54/7035]


8 May 2025: Ariadna Ribes Metidieri (Nijmegen University)


15 May 2025: Violetta Sagun (Southampton)



Jonathan Thompson

Alexander Haber

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