The SAA workstream operates within a structured governance framework. There are a number of decision making and management groups that link together to ensure a joined-up approach to operational, process and policy work.
Allied with individual Registry and Faculty team meetings, Functional Networks provide an operational focus that involves functional team leaders across the workstream and relevant partners from other Professional Services.
Functional Networks feed into the SAA Senior Leadership Group (SAASLG), a management group that is responsible for discussing and approving the SAA Workstream's vision, mission, strategies and policies, allied with a core focus on organisational effectiveness. The SAASLG is responsible for making informed decisions about the Workstream's business processes and operational service delivery.
The SAA Directorate Group runs parallel to this with the focus on strategy, business planning, finance and HR matters. This Group is comprised of the Academic Registrar and Assistant Directors.
Overarching the SAA activities is the presence of the Student Systems Board (SSB). Chaired by the Academic Registrar, the Board approves at a strategic level all plans, priorities and resources for the development and enhancement of SAA-related processes and systems (in addition to all institutional student-related systems) and any deviation from previously agreed plans. The Board's work is underpinned by its desire to strive for lean and efficient processes and the use of institutional solutions. The SSB is also one of a number of systems boards that feed into the University Systems Strategy and Programmes Board (USSPB).