This is a list of frequently asked questions about CAS. If you cannot find the answer to your question below, please contact the CAS Team using our web enquiry from . The CAS Team cannot advise as to visa related queries. If your query is visa related, please contact the VISAS Team at Please do not send the same query more than once as this will cause a delay in responding to you.
We aim to produce CAS within seven working days of you submitting your completed CAS Questionnaire. Please note that this does not include weekends or Bank Holidays. If you have created a University email account, your CAS Statement will automatically be sent to this account, as once created this becomes your primary account for all University related correspondence.
If you have a Hotmail account, please check all SPAM folders as sometimes your CAS Statement can be diverted to this. Alternatively if you are being assisted by an agent with your application, please check with them that they have not received the CAS Statement before emailing the CAS Team.
There may also be a slight delay in issuing a CAS if information is being confirmed with your Faculty.
Yes we can resend recently issued CAS Statements. If you have created a University of Southampton email account, please check this account for your CAS Statement, as once created this becomes your primary email account for all University related correspondence.
No, we can't. CAS Statements can only be sent in email format.
In order to be eligible for a Joint CAS there are strict eligibility criteria which must be fulfilled. Eligibility for a Joint CAS is assessed after submission of the CAS Questionnaire. Students who are eligible, will be contacted via email and asked to complete a Joint CAS Request Form. This form should not be completed and returned unless it has been specifically emailed to students asking them to do so.
If your course does not require ATAS and you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to detail this. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
If your course does require ATAS and this has not been specified on your CAS, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to detail this as long as you have not used your CAS to make your visa application. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
If you have used your CAS to make a visa application, we will not issue a new CAS but will ask our Visa & Immigration Student Advice Service (VISAS Team) to report your change in course to the UKVI.
Alternatively, if you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we may choose to amend this directly on the UKVI web portal to detail your new course details. This will be done via a series of Sponsor Notes. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
In some circumstances we will withdraw your previous CAS (if you have not begun to make your visa application) and issue you with a new CAS completely.
No, you need a new CAS number for each visa application that you make. If you need to make a new visa application, please contact the CAS Team for a new CAS number.
We are only required to include details of Scholarships which are issued internally by the University. If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application and have been issued with a letter from the University detailing your Scholarship, please send this to us at as this will assist us in adding the details directly onto your electronic CAS (which is held on the UKVI web portal) via a Sponsor Note. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
If you have not been issued with a letter from your Faculty, we will confirm your Scholarship details with them directly and add these to your electronic CAS (as detailed above) as soon as possible.
If you have used your CAS to make your visa application and the details of your University of Southampton Scholarship have not been included, we would recommend that you take some form of documentary evidence with you to your visa appointment.
Please contact the CAS Team to inform us of the payment amount. Once your payment shows in our University accounting system, we will be able to update your CAS to show the additional payments and an updated CAS Statement will be re-issued to you. Please note that some payment methods take longer than others to show in the University payment system, so there may be a slight delay in re-issuing your updated CAS Statement.
Please contact the CAS Team to inform us of the payment amount. Once your payment shows in our University accounting system, we will be able to update your CAS to show the additional payment. Please note we cannot send an amended CAS Statement as accommodation payments do not show on these.
Please wait. Your alumni discount will be applied after you have enrolled as a student. This means that you will have to pay the total amount of tuition fees and will be refunded the amount of the discount at a later date.
Please email and write 'Incorrect passport number' in the subject line. Please include a scanned copy of the photo page of your passport and the following details:
If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to detail your correct passport details. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
Please contact the CAS Team if you have any further questions regarding this issue.
Please email and write 'Incorrect name' or 'Incorrect date of birth' in the subject line as appropriate. Please include a scanned copy of the photo page of your passport and the following details:
If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to detail your correct passport details. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
Please contact the CAS Team if you have any further questions regarding this issue.
Please contact the CAS Team .
If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to detail your correct dates. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
Please contact the CAS Team .
If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to detail your correct dates. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
Please contact the CAS Team .
If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application, we can add a Sponsor Note to your electronic CAS held on the UKVI web portal to amend your details. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
If you have used your CAS to make a visa application and your start date is not changing significantly, we will not issue a new CAS but ask our Visa & Immigration Student Advice Service (VISAS Team)to report your change in course start date to the UKVI.
If you have not used your CAS to make your visa application and your start date is not changing significantly, we may choose to update your start date information directly on your existing CAS held on the UKVI web portal via a Sponsor Note. We cannot re-issue you with an amended CAS Statement as Sponsor Notes do not appear on these. Sponsor Notes are fully visible to the UKVI and your CAS Number will remain unchanged.
In some circumstances however we will withdraw your previous CAS (if you have not begun to make your visa application) and issue you with a new CAS completely.
If you are likely to miss the start of your course, please contact your Faculty directly. If your Faculty agree to a revised Start Date, they will then need to contact the CAS Team so that the necessary amendments can be made to your CAS (if this has not yet been used to make your visa application).
No. The start and end dates on your CAS must be the start and end dates of your course. The UKVI usually allow students to arrive before this date in order to give them time to settle in. You should discuss your arrival date at your visa appointment.
The academic level of all pre-sessional and ‘English for Academic Study’ courses at the University of Southampton is ‘CEFR, Level C1 or B2’. The academic level of all bachelor’s degrees is ‘RQF Level 6’. The academic level of all master’s degrees is ‘RQF Level 7’. The academic level of all doctoral degrees is ‘RQF Level 8’. Please see the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulations for further details.
Your primary site of study is the address in the CAS Statement – “University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ”