Invigilation Recruitment is currently closed and will re-open at the end of October 2024.
Please see below information for both external invigilators and internal (in school) invigilators along with the relevant application process.
The University of Southampton is currently recruiting and accepting applications for anyone who would like to become an invigilator. If you think this job is for you, please see the links below to view the job description and person specification; if you are interested then please complete the 'Application Form for invigilators' at the bottom of this page.
If you are successful you will be invited for an interview and will be required to register with UniWorkforce who administer casual work assignments in the University, conduct right to work checks and issue Casual Worker Permits. Please click on UniWorkforce for further information.
Before you start work as an invigilator you will be required to attend a group training session, these are usually held a few weeks before each assessment period. You will then be required to attend one of the annual briefing sessions for all invigilators before each assessment period. You will be allocated a 'buddy' or mentor who will show you the ropes for the first few invigilator sessions. After your first assessment period, you will be required to undertake further training to be able to invigilate computer-aided assessments or other specialist exams.
The standard rate of pay is £12.08 per hour rising to £15.32 per hour for Session Co-Ordinators. In addition you will receive holiday pay.
If you require further information about the position please don't hesitate to contact us by email at or by telephone on 02380 595089.
The University of Southampton always welcomes applications from postgraduate research students to become invigilators. If you think this job is for you then please contact your Faculty Office directly. If you require further information about the position please don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail ( or by phone on 023 8059 2595319.
ExamStart is an entry portal in to a computer aided assessment. You will receive full training before you are expected to invigilate CAAs (usually after the end of your first whole exam period).
If you need a refresher on ExamStart please clcik on the link below to access the training video,
User | ExamStart |
Invigilator | |
You can also view the ExamsStart Instruction booklet in the 'Useful Downloads' at the bottom of the page.
Semester One assessment: Monday 13 January - Friday 24 January 2025 (but possibly including Saturday 18 and 25 January)
Semester Two assessment: Monday 19 May - Friday 6 June 2025 (excluding Bank Holiday Monday 26 May but possibly including Saturday 24 and 31 May)
Supplementary assessments: Monday 18 August - Friday 29 August (excluding Bank Holiday Monday 25 August but possibly including Saturday 23 August)
Job Description for Invigilator
Job Description for Session Co-Ordinator Invigilator
Person Specification for Invigilator