Assessment Schedule and future assessment dates.
Semester One assessment: Monday 12 January - Friday 23 January 2026 (but possibly including Saturday 17 and 24 January)
Semester Two assessment: Monday 18 May - Friday 6 June 2026 (excluding Bank Holiday Monday 25 May but possibly including Saturday 23 and 30 May)
Supplementary assessments: Monday 17 August - Friday 28 August (excluding Bank Holiday Monday 24 August but possibly including Saturday 22 August)
Semester One assessment: Monday 11 January - Friday 22 January 2027 (but possibly including Saturday 16 and 23 January)
Semester Two assessment: Monday 17 May - Friday 4 June 2027 (excluding Bank Holiday Monday 24 May but possibly including Saturday 22 and 29 May)
Supplementary assessments: Monday 23 August - Friday 3 September (excluding Bank Holiday Monday 30 August but possibly including Saturday 28 August)
If assessments have to be cancelled due to extraordinary circumstances (e.g. inclement weather, sudden loss of venues) they may be rescheduled at short notice to an alternative date within term time. If you plan to leave the campus during term time, you risk being unable to attend your assessment. This may affect your academic progress.