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The University of Southampton
Student Administration and Academic Affairs

Academic History


Academic History refers to the module marks which contribute toward your progression or final award classification. It includes previously held credits (Accredited Prior Learning or APL).

Each upload of marks will be allocated a grade code dependent on their purpose (e.g. OE = Original Entry, OM = Mitigated Mark (referral as though for the first time), RE = re-sit, CM = Capped Mark, IE = Input Error). This will appear on your diploma supplement or transcript.


All marks held in academic history will be shown on your transcript or diploma supplement. For more information please see our Diploma Supplement Explanatory Notes available below.  Further information can be found under Diploma Supplements and Transcripts.
Module marks are available on your Banner Self Service account by a specified date. You can access them by logging on to SUSSED and selecting the icon for 'My student record'. These dates are usually no later than:
Mid February for Semester 1 exam marks
End June for Semester 2 exam marks
Mid September for supplementary (re-sit) exam marks
Finalists' award dates.

More information on processes for academic history can be viewed by Student and Academic Administration staff on our SharePoint site: . You will need to log in with your University username and password. If you cannot gain access please contact us on .

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