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The University of Southampton
Student Administration and Academic Affairs

Confirmation of Award and References


All awarded students will receive a confirmation of award letter with their certificate and final transcript (diploma supplement). Additional copies can be purchased via the online store .

Employers or agencies
The University of Southampton accepts verifications through the Higher Education Degree Data (Hedd) online verification service for employers and agencies to verify University of Southampton awards. Please note that this service is only for third parties.



Each awarded student will automatically receive a confirmation of award letter. Additional copies can be ordered via our online store and search for 'award letter'. If you need a letter for emigration, employment or continuing education, you may be interested in one of our packages such as our postgraduate application or award confirmation package. They are also available on the on line store.

Employers or agencies

To register please visit Select University of Southampton from the list of UK higher education institutions and choose the option to 'verify a degree award'. There is a charge of £12 per enquiry. If you require further assistance, please email , including your telephone number if you would like a call back. You will also be required to upload a consent form.

Information required for a verification of award: (please note it is not possible to verify awards verbally)
Full name of graduate (at time of study)
Date of Birth
Date of award
Type of award (e.g. BA in English, MSc in Economics)

If you require dates of attendance, please request this at the time of making the enquiry.

We recommend that you ask to see the degree certificate if there is one, and use that as the basis of your verification enquiry, or ask individuals to give you their data as they believe it’s recorded in the student records system. The information will go to the team at the University of Southampton for manual verification, with a ten working-day turnaround time

Notarised Copies

These can only be obtained from an independent notary: for the UK, please see the Notary Society.

Other Useful Websites for confirmation of awards

The Apostille of The Hague

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