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The University of Southampton
Student and Academic Administration

Personalised Timetable iCalendar Feeds

In response to feedback received through the Student Forums, the University is pleased to announce the introduction of personalised iCalendar timetable feeds for staff and students.

What is an iCalendar timetable feed?

Provides you with the ability to import your timetable to any calendar application that supports iCal feeds to display your teaching schedule.  Examples include Google Calendar, Outlook, Smartphone calendar.

What are the main benefits?

No longer have to manually add teaching activities to your personal calendar.

Any changes made to your timetable will be made available to you at the time they are made (although please be aware this will be dependent on the settings of your particular device or application).

How do I access my iCalendar feed?

  1. Log onto SUSSED using your University ID and password.
  2. From the Quick Links section, select the Online Timetable icon.
  3. Follow the link "get your calendar feed now" to generate and access your personal feed.  You will also find instructions on how to import your timetable to the main calendar applications (Office 365, Outlook, Google or iOS).
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