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The University of Southampton
Student and Academic Administration

Personalised Timetable iCalendar Feeds - Starting from 2018-2019

Whether you want to know how to access your timetable, where to find a teaching room, or what to do if you discover a clash, you can find information here. If you have a question that we haven't answered, you can also get in contact with our team. Our aim is to support your learning experience and we welcome your feedback.

Your timetable may contain some activities taking place online as well as some on campus activities. To help you understand and identify how and when to access the content for these online sessions, we have divided these into Live Online sessions that take place live at the time indicated on your timetable and Self-guided Online sessions which are indicative and are provided to assist you in structuring your online learning.

Personalised Timetable iCalendar Feeds

iCalendar Feeds

In response to feedback received through the Student Forums, the University is pleased to announce the introduction of personalised iCalendar timetable feeds for staff and students.

Find out more

1. How can I view my timetable?

In most cases your timetable will be available online via SUSSED . Further information is available here: Viewing your timetable

2. What does my timetable mean?

Please refer to our Understanding Your Timetable guide for more information about your timetable.

3. How do I get to my teaching room?

All locations are displayed on your timetable as Building/Room Number - for example 04/2007, 32/1015, etc. Campus maps which display the building numbers can be found here: About our campuses

If you want more information about a particular room, you can find that here: Information about Common Learning Spaces

4. What should I do if I want to change modules?

If you have any queries about your module choices, you should contact the Student Hub in the first instance. They will be able to guide you about the options open to you.

5. What should I do if I discover a clash in my timetable?

Although we make every effort to schedule the timetable to allow you to attend all of your chosen options, unfortunately timetable clashes do sometimes occur. They often arise from unplanned or late changes, or may only affect part of an activity or module.

Usually, we will contact you to let you know, however if you identify a clash in your timetable, please refer to our Resolving Your Clashes guide.

6. Will you change my timetable if I have a personal requirement?

We expect that full-time students should normally be available to attend University on all five days of the working week between 09:00 and 18:00. However, in line with the University's Equality Opportunities Policy we will make every effort to meet your particular needs; for example disability, religious/faith affiliation, carer responsibilities.

We ask that you let us know about these in advance so that we can build them into the timetabling process. Unfortunately, whilst we will make every effort to meet your particular requirements, we cannot guarantee to accommodate all requests.

7. Can I book a room?

All University members (students and staff) are entitled to book Common Learning Space for University activities. These include student clubs and societies and revision/study bookings. You can book rooms between 18:00 and 23:00 Monday to Friday and at weekends, but may need to arrange with Security to ensure that you can access your booked room. Further information is available here:

Information about Room Booking

8. How can I contact you?

If you have a question that we haven't answered, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us

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