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The University of Southampton
The Student Hub Money matters

Student Finance FAQs

Find out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about student funding here.

Student Finance

Where do I need to go to apply for my student finance?

Visit to apply for all of your student funding. More information can be found on the Student Finance England page. Funding for students from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland may vary, links to all the appropriate websites can be found below

I still haven't received my tuition fee loan, what do I do?

The Student Loans Company will pay your tuition fee loan directly to the University of Southampton. This means that your tuition fees will never directly be charged to you or the loan paid into your bank account, however you still need to reapply for funding for every year of study.

My circumstances have changed since I applied for my student finance, what do I do?

If your annual household income has changed by more than 15% within the year, you can apply for a current year assessment by completing the form on the website, as you may be entitled to extra funding.


How and when will my bursary be applied?

Your eligibility for the bursary will be assessed at the beginning of the academic year, once we have received the necessary information from Student Finance. Please ensure you consent to share your information with the university. You will be notified by Student Finance if you are eligible to receive a bursary

What do I do if I have opted out of sharing my information with the university?

Contact Student Finance on 0300 100 0607

Are students from Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the EU eligible for bursaries?

Students from Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland that meet the required criteria are eligible to receive a bursary. EU Students that commenced study from 2012/2013 are also eligible. Please see the appropriate pages for more information on bursaries

General Funding

If I arrive through clearing am I still eligible for additional funding that the University provides?

Yes, as long as you have been means tested by Student Finance, and consented to share your information.

What student funding is available to me if I am studying a second undergraduate degree?

In general there is no statutory support available from the Government for second degree students, and you will need to ensure that you have made realistic provision to cover both tuition fees and living costs. There are some exceptions to this and further information will be available from your faculty. You may also be eligible for some of our hardship funds but you will need to demonstrate that you have made realistic provision before commencing study.

Apart from those advertised, is there any additional funding that I could get?

There are some external scholarships available to students depending on what they are studying.

Can't find the answer you are looking for? Then feel free to contact the Financial Support Team, who should be able to answer any questions you may have.

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