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The University of Southampton
Transition Project News

Health Sciences Pre-Arrival Webpages are live

Published: 22 August 2012

In 2011/12, the Transition Project funded the development of two Pre-Arrival webpages. We are pleased to announce that the Health Sciences website is now live!

The project was initiated after feedback from current students suggested that they would have liked to have more information about their faculty and their course before arriving at the University. The Health Sciences webpages will give prospective students relevant faculty specific information, including an overview of their first few weeks on the course. Prospective students can prepare for a smooth transition as they will feel that they know all they need to, and can even start reading some of the material, as reading lists have been provided.
This project was carefully managed to avoid duplication of corporate material which is already available on SUSSED and the new Welcome website for new students. The pre-arrival webpages will always link out to corporate material, and focus on Health Sciences and Medicine specific information.

Take a look to see what you think!

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