Introduction to LEAF
LEAF is the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework and has been developed by University College London to help Laboratory Managers, technical staff, academics and students to address environmental sustainability issues in their laboratories.
- LEAF is a tool to help those working in laboratories change their practice to improve efficiency and sustainability.
- The framework contains criteria for assessment supported by guidance which lab users can implement around areas such as energy use, waste & recycling, equipment management, procurement, education of lab users, ventilation, water, research quality and laboratory based teaching.
- LEAF also facilitates the quantification of impacts by calculation of savings both in terms of carbon and financial
- As a benchmarking scheme, progress can be tracked through achievement of Bronze, Silver and Gold level recognition.
Many laboratories at the University have already achieved bronze award, so click on the links below for more information and find out how to sign your laboratory up to LEAF.
LEAF is a bespoke toolkit to enhance sustainability and efficiency in Laboratories.
Southampton joining LEAF was initiated by laboratory technical staff working with the Sustainability team. We are using a Teams site to build a community of colleagues interested in using LEAF. Here we can interact, discuss issues and share best practice.
LEAF at Southampton is co-ordinated by Peter Morgan, email to find out more, or see here .
To sign your lab up to LEAF register here .