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The University of Southampton
Sustainability Science

GeoVation Challenge 2013

Published: 12 April 2013

Join in with our latest GeoVation Challenge ‘How can we help British business improve environmental performance? ’

GeoVation is initiated, funded and managed by Ordnance Survey, though other organisations may fund specific challenges or activities .

We're calling for innovative ideas to help businesses remove barriers to improving their environmental performance.

  • How can we help business see the value in their waste?
  • How can communities and businesses work together, irrespective of geography and social demographic?
  • How do we make environmental performance a more attractive proposition for investment and innovation?

We've identified a list of problems which form the basis for the challenge.

As with previous GeoVation Challenges we are looking for great ideas that address the identified problems using geography, technology and design. Ordnance Survey will be offering a slice of £100,000 in development funding for best use of our data, including OS OpenData and OS OpenSpace, together with other open data.

The Environment Agency are supporting this GeoVation Challenge to encourage sustainable economic growth and responsible environmental practices. The big prize here is the fact that UK companies could save more than £6bn a year if they used resources more efficiently.

The challenge runs from 6 March to 1 May and the best ideas will be invited to a weekend GeoVation Camp from 21 - 23 June 2013 where you can work on building your idea into a prototype.  You will also identify how to overcome problems in implementing your idea and learn to pitch your idea ‘pecha kucha' style to the independent judging panel.  Following camp successful ideas will be selected to receive a share of £100, 000 funding, subject to completing and submitting their venture plans. Winners will be confirmed by 17 July 2013.

Find out more about the challenge process .


So if you have an idea how we can solve some of the problems identified in an innovative way - enter the GeoVation Challenge!

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