3rd Annual Early Career Biomass Network Symposium Event
- Time:
- 12:00 - 17:00
- Date:
- 22 - 23 April 2014
- Venue:
- University of Southampton exact location tbc
For more information regarding this event, please email Zoe Harris at Z.M.Harris@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
The aim of this symposium is to bring together early career researchers from all fields that encompass biomass and bioenergy.
We encourage attendance, talks and posters by anyone involved in any aspect of bioenergy research be it chemical, physical or biological.
Potential sessions include:
- GHG and LCA bioenergy
- Land use change
- Biochemical engineering
- Biochar
- Soil-Plant interactions
- Modelling
- Ecosystem services
- Biotechnology and genetics
If you would like to give a talk, present a poster or attend as a spectator please register youor interest with Zoe Harris ( Z.M.Harris@soton.ac.uk ) by 17th Feb 2014