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The University of Southampton
Sustainability Action


Sustainability Action is dedicated to providing opportunities for all and hosts a large variety of events throughout the year. From training workshops to seminars, energy audits to swap shops; there's always something going on that you can get involved in.

Dozens of waste warriors
Dozens of waste warriors

Sustainability Action boasts a great student-staff partnership in all of our events, and this enables a holistic approach to improving the sustainability of the University.

Why get involved?

All of our events offer staff and students the opportunity to have a direct impact on sustainability at the University. Our volunteers help pioneer campus-wide sustainability, and our results show that together we can really make a difference. Not only do we offer great experiences for all that get involved, but there is lots of fun to be had along the way - and some freebies too!

Sustainability skills are vital for all graduates and there are many events which we host which can develop students' sustainability literacy. Students can:

Through the work of Sustainability Action, the University has hosted a variety of events including the world's first university-wide student-led energy audit, and Halls Waste Wars . As well as the prestige of being part of such unique events, there is real enjoyment to be had by all staff and students involved.

We need your ideas!

Do you have an idea for a new event, campaign or initiative to improve sustainability at Southampton? We'd love to hear about it! Please get in touch .

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Read the latest sustainability blog posts .

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