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The University of Southampton
Sustainability Action

Saving carbon

The University has set an ambitious target to reduce our carbon emissions by 20% by 2020 (against 2005/6 levels). A strategic carbon management plan has been developed to achieve this.

What is the University doing?

The University has £5million investment to spend on carbon reduction projects. These fund technical and behaviour change projects to reduce the carbon impact of the University community and to deliver the associated financial savings.

How do we measure our savings?

We use an extensive Automatic Meter Read (AMR) system to record energy use and monitor the impact of our efforts to reduce consumption. If you would like to have access to the AMR system, please send an email with the details of the building(s) you are interested in. Find out more from the carbon management website on how we record data on our carbon emissions.

What can I do?

Every one has a role to play in the University achieving its carbon management targets. You can follow our top advice on how to reduce carbon in your daily life. You can also sign up to become a Sustainability Officer , helping to promote carbon saving campaigns and behaviours in your building/unit.

Travel: Think about how you travel to, from and between campuses:


Waste and Shopping

Get involved

Find out more

Read more about the Carbon Management Plan here.

Small changes in your everyday routine can make a difference. More details here .

Join in carbon reduction activities on campus. Read about the latest events and news here .

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