Sightations is an archaeology-inspired exhibition running as part of this year’s Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) conference.
In keeping with this year’s conference theme of ‘visualisation’, this exhibit seeks to unpack what it means to represent archaeology visually in 2016. Welcome mediums include drawings, photography, comics, painting, sculpture, textiles, ceramic, CGI, film, video, gaming, virtual reality, and digital works. By juxtaposing creative art forms with scientific approaches to representation Sightations takes aim at archaeological visual conventions and strives to reveal new links between different disciplines, creative industries and sectors of archaeology, drawing connections between ideas with an eye towards future directions for archaeological visualizations.
The aims for the Sightations galleries are to:
Sightations is curated by archaeology PhD students Joana Valdez-Tullett, Helen Chittock, Kate Rogers, Eleonora Gandolfi, Emilia Mataix-Ferrandiz , and digital archaeologist Grant Cox .
Exhibition dates: 19th – 21st December 2016.
Sightations contributions:
SERF Hillforts: Designing Digital Engagements (Open Platform) , Alice Watterson, University of Dundee
Removing barriers: providing virtual access and interpretation for maritime heritage (Virtual Reality of 3D models) , Amanda Bowens, National Oceanography Centre/Chartered Institute for Archaeologists
Chart of Invisibility / Lighting Up the Ridgeway / Field Map (Map/ Fibre-optic illuminated panel/Painting) , Amanda Wallwork
Filming Antiquity (Video) , Amara Thornton, University College London
Danebury Environs: the game (Board Game) , Andy Valdez-Tullett, Historic England
Beachley-Aust / Book Burial (Video) , Angela Piccini, University of Bristol
Message From Mungo (Feature Length Film – 90 min) , Anne McGrath, Australian National University, Australia
Exploring comics and illustration in rock art outreach (Comics/Drawings) , Beatriz Comendador Rey, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
La Chapelle-aux-Saint 1 (Charcoal and oil paint on paper) , Beth Linscott, University of Southampton
Saving Mes Aynak (Feature length film – 60 min) , Brent Huffman, Northwestern University and Kartemquin Films, USA
Minoan Time / Site Lines (Photographs) , Carlos Guarita, Falmouth Art School
The Alchymical Garden of Sir Thomas Browne / Marbhna (Mixed Materials) , Carolyn Trant
Ceramic Practice as an Archaeology of the Contemporary Past: the George Brown Series and the Setomonogatari Series (Sculptures) , Chris McHugh, Independent Artist and Researcher
#slowironbridge (Digital Film and Social Media Installation) , Coralie Acheson, University of Birmingham
Knee Shadow in a Flintknapper’s Scatter / Handaxe in Glazed Porcelain (Canvas, acrylic paint, flint / Knapped Porcelain) , Cory Stade and Christian Hoggard, University of Southampton
Plastic Earth (Sculpture) , Eloise Govier, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Layered Histories: Historic Environment. Frameworks for the Ebbsfleet Valley (Poster/Drawing) , Francis Wenban-Smith, University of Southampton
Tempietto / Alphabet II (Sculptures) , Gary Breeze, Independent Artist
Artasmedia CGI Showcase , Grant Cox, Artasmedia/ University of Southampton
Dublin Scarf (Textile) , Gwendoline Pepper, University of York
Autumn in Alta (Comics) , Hannah Sackett, Bath SPA University
Site over Time (Digitally Printed Cotton & Wadding) , Helen Marton, Falmouth University
ten (3D print aluminium and polyethylene) , Ian Dawson, Winchester School of Arts
Lives of Roman Hampshire (Youtube Series) , James Pride, University of Southampton
Fenland and Ouse Washes Story Quilt (Textile) , Jane Frost
Etruscan Horse / Laconian Horse 1 Laconian Horse 2 (Sculptures) , Jill Phillips, University of Southampton
The Reliquary (Photos/Sculpture) , Jo Dacombe, University of Leicester
Owestry Heritage Comics (Comics) , John Swogger, Freelance
Archaeological Contra-Museum: creating site (Video/Ceramics) , José Marmol, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
The First Mound / Understanding Silbury Hill (Collage/Watercolour) , Judith Dobie, Historic England
Dogu-mime (Performing Art) , Ken Takahashi, Yokohama History Museum
ÇH3D (Virtual Reality) , Laia Puiol, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
An imaginary tour of Orkney to Elsewhere, and Elsewhere from Orkney (Stereoscope of Mixed Materials) , Lara Band, MOLA, CITiZAN; and David Webb, Independent Producer
Sculptor’s Cave (Video) , Lindsey Buster, University of Bradford
Star-seal-woman tries to communicate with Teo-Piece Reclining Figure No. 3 (Video) , Louisa Minkin, Central Saint Martin, UAL
Rockburn Details (Drawings) , Marjolijn Kok, Bureau Archeologie en Toekomst, Netherlands
Grand designs in Ancient Greece (LEGO models) , Matthew Fitzjohn and Peta Bulmer, University of Liverpool
Cottam Fields Forever / Memory and the Disused (Drawings/Maps) , Miranda Creswell, University of Oxford
Time in an urban landscape: 8-10 Moorgate, in the city of London (Drawing) , MOLA
Omeo (Digital Image) , Nicolas Bigourdan and Kevin Edwards, Maritime Archaeology Association of Western Australia/ WA Museum/ Tempus Archaeology, Australia
A Record (Photograph) , Paul Murtagh, Northlight Heritage and Ardnamurchan Transitions Project
(Im)material Old Minster (Winchester) (3D Print) , Paul Reilly, University of Southampton
Operation Nightingale: Time Warriors & Operation Nightingale: Time Warriors – The Making Of (Video) , Rachel Brown, Operation Nightingale and Salisbury Arts Centre
An Ode to Hiort (Video Game) , Richard Allen, Palaeo-Pi
Stone Landscape (Framed Screen-print) , Rose Ferraby, University of Exeter
The burial of the Archaeologist (Photographs) , Rui Gomes Coelho, Binghamton University, USA
From Magma to the Stars (Photographs) , Sara Navarro, CIEBA, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Yarmouth Roads: Hauntograph 1 / Yarmouth Roads: Hauntograph 2 (Digital Collage) , Sara Rich, Appalachian State University/Maritime Archaeology Trust
Augmented Surface Study / Augmented Surface Study 2 (Video) , Stefan Gant, University of Northampton/ DRN Drawing Research Network
Dropped: History in the Making (Video/Ceramics) , Syann van Niftrik