S1. Archaeology Is a Political Matter
S2. Building through Time and Space
S3. Dead Body Language: Positioning, Posture, and Representation of the Corpse
S4. digiTAG 2: Archaeological Storytelling and the ‘Digital Turn’
S5. Digital Visualisation beyond the Image: Archaeological Visualisation-Making in Practice
S7. Enchanting Objects and Ways of Seeing: Visuality and Response in Prehistoric Europe
S8. Exploring the History of Prehistory
S9. Following Things in Motion: Object Itineraries in Archaeological Practice
S10. From Amateurs to Auteurs: In Defence of Authorship in Archaeological Visualisations
S12. Gone to Earth: Uncovering Landscape Narrative through Visual Creative Practice
S13. Images in the Making: Art-Process-Archaeology
S14. Imagine This! the Familiar and the Strange in Archaeological Mediation
S15. Integrating Science, Technology and Theory in Prehistoric Archaeology
S16. Life and Death of Artefacts: A Biographical Approach to Ritual Practice
S18. Out of Sight, out of Mind? Visualisation Strategies for Evoking Memories of the Dead
S19. Praxis and Practice. Reflecting on Fieldwork, Data and Approaches to Sites and Landscapes
S21. Skeletons, Stories, and Social Bodies
S22. The Invisible Essence of Mixed Matter: Envisioning a Material Culture Theory of Substance
S23. Theoretical Archaeology in India: 21st Century
S24. Thinking through Archaeology and the Environmental Humanities
S25. Typology and Relational Theory
S26. Understanding Maritime Populations: the Human Context of Ancient Ports
S27. Unvisualising Rock and Cave Art
S28. Visualising People in Past Landscapes
S29. Visualising Skyscapes: Material Forms of Cultural Engagement with the Heavens
S31. Visualising Words: Archaeological Narrative through Poetry, Image and Performance
S32. What Can Archaeologists Learn from Skateboarders?
S33. Where ‘Strangers and Brothers/Sisters’ Meet: Places of Congregation in Archaeology