**** We are sorry that this session has had to be CANCELLED ****
Session organizer:
Ajay Pratap (Banaras Hindu University, apratap_hist@bhu.ac.in )
Session abstract:
This session proposes to take stock of theoretical archaeology in India, and its development within the Indian archaeology, until now. As such we propose to review foundational work relating with antiquarianism, its development and impact (The Asiatic Society of Bengal), the rise of oriental studies framework and concepts of the Indian past formulated within that period (archaeological researches during the late 19th and early twentieth centuries), the arrival of new archaeology and its impact (1960s to 1990 for the main and ongoing) and finally post-processual archaeology and its fledgling role. The session would invite case-study based papers for explicating each of the themes outlined above which would include such urgent issues as heritage conservation and its improved prospects.