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The University of Southampton
Adolescent asthma study

Welcome to the web pages of the adolescent asthma study

Asthma is one of the most common long-term conditions to affect teenagers. Many have on-going asthma symptoms and limitation of everyday activities despite all the medications that are now available for asthma. From our previous work with teenagers with asthma, we know that asthma clinics are not well suited to teenage patients. We think this could be changed so that we can support teenagers to better self manage their asthma.

The aim of this study is to develop a new adolescent approach to improve asthma self-management skills in teenagers. In the first part of the study we talked to teenagers with asthma, their parents and their doctors and nurses to find out how asthma gets in the way of their lives and what helps teenagers to successfully live with asthma. We are using this information to develop a new approach to helping teenagers to self-manage their asthma.

In the second part of the research study, we will test the new approach to see if it does help teenagers better manage their asthma.

Would you like to take part in the study?

We are recruiting teenagers with asthma to take part in a questionnaire study.

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