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The University of Southampton
Turing @ Southampton

Data Science Seminar: The Chemistry of Data Event

11:00 - 12:30
14 December 2016
Room 3077, Building 32, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor Elena Simperl at .

Event details

In my talk I will discuss the way in which the ideas of the Data Science, Web and Semantic Web, Open Science (to some extent the twin disciplines of Chemometrics and Cheminformatics) contribute to new methods and approaches to data driven chemistry. A key aspect of the discussion will be how to facilitate the improved acquisition and integration and analysis of chemical data in context. I will refer to lesion learnt in the e-Science and Digital Economy (particularly the IT as a Utility Network) programmes and the EDISON H2020 project.

Speaker information

Professor Jeremy G Frey,obtained his DPhil on experimental and theoretical aspects of van der Waals complexes, in Oxford, followed by a fellowship at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory with Yuan Lee. In 1984 he joined the University of Southampton, where he is now Professor of Physical Chemistry and head of the Computational Systems Chemistry Group. His experimental research probes molecular organization from single molecules to liquid interfaces using laser spectroscopy from the IR to soft X-rays. In parallel he investigates how e-Science infrastructure supports intelligent access to scientific data. He is strongly committed to collaborative inter and multi-disciplinary research and is skilled in facilitating communication between diverse disciplines speaking different languages. He has successfully lead several large interdisciplinary collaborative RUCK research grants, from Basic Technology (Coherent Soft X-Ray imaging), e-Science (CombeChem) and most recently the Digital Economy Challenge area of IT as a Utility Network+, where he has successfully created a unique platform to facilitate collaboration across the social, science, engineering and design domains, working with all the research, commercial, third and governmental sectors.

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