Southampton project featured in the Turing Annual Report
AI and Inclusion, a project led by Southampton academic and Turing Fellow, Professor Mike Wald , is featured in the 'Highlights of the Year' section of the 2019-20 report.
The project seeks to understand the design and deployment of AI and inclusion to benefit those with disabilities, which will also provide digital accessibility for all members of society. Working with E.A. Draffan and Dr Chaohai Ding, also from the University of Southampton, they have explored the way AI has been used to automate web accessibility checkers to support those with disabilities and have also worked closely with local assistive technology and service providers to conduct research into a decision support system related to workplace assessments for disabled people. Research has also included a fascinating investigation into issues for those supporting augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) users who may have severe communication difficulties.
Find out more about the project here .