Gloria Mazina MSc Accounting and Finance

Without the Chevening scholarship, I would not have been able to attend a prominent university such as the University of Southampton. My career outlook has been extended, and I am glad for the opportunities accorded to me and I'm also thankful for the skills, experience, and friendships I've gained.
Why did you choose to study at the University of Southampton?
I chose the University of Southampton's MSc Accounting and Finance programme because it is taught by leading international professors and well regarded practical professionals from whom I will get a lot of knowledge. And this will allow me to evaluate and apply core technical accounting and finance methods to real-world situations, as well as gain a thorough understanding of global financial markets and accounting systems, which will be a valuable asset to me because I will be able to apply these skills to Rwanda's development upon my return. Secondly, I chose the university of Southampton because its Business school of is well ranked, known and recognised in the global universities.
What do you enjoy the most about living in Southampton or Winchester?
I've had a great time at Southampton since I live at Wessex Lane (the University halls), which has convenient transportation through Unlink and is close to the University, as well as excellent flatmates who have made my journey enjoyable and short. I also had the opportunity to watch a match at Southampton Stadium, as well as visit the Seacity Museum, where I learned about the Titanic's history in Southampton. In addition, I have a favourite meal spot at Turtle Bay.
Have you undertaken any work placements, collaborations with industry, internships or volunteering? How has this enhanced your experience?
I was selected to participate in the PWC Diversity mentoring programme, which is also a part of Networking. Apart from being one of the Big Four, PWC has a professional career in place, and everyone should look up to more experienced people who can shed light and provide advice based on their own experience. I was able to advance my career by meeting and working with a variety of experienced people through the PWC Diversity mentoring scheme. I am confident that the knowledge I have obtain from the PWC mentoring programme, along with my prior job experience, will provide me with the propeller I require to reach my long-term objectives and dreams.
Have you undertaken any extracurricular activities? How have they enhanced your experience?
I got an opportunity to work on a research project about ‘encouraging the adoption of sustainability practices and reporting by SMEs in the South East England Region. Working on this research project gave me an opportunity to contribute towards the success of the project, as well as both practical knowledge and experience of how different stakeholders (both private and public organizations contribute to the achievement of SDGs 2030 agenda. I got a broad understanding on role accountant should play in line to achieve the sustainability objectives, which will help me to play a supportive role upon return.
What do you think you have gained from your degree that you wouldn’t have developed without it?
I believe that a postgraduate degree from the University of Southampton is well-regarded in my work area, and that it will help me further my career goals while also providing a refreshing change of scenery through networking and meeting new people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Furthermore, it helped me in developing my professional accounting career because I gained great insight into accounting processes from both a business and external reporting viewpoint, which will be useful in my career and day-to-day job.
What are you most proud of from your time at the University of Southampton so far?
Studying at the University of Southampton opened doors in my life, and I'm proud of it because it helped me make a lot of friends from different countries, be a part of a research project about sustainability reporting, be a mentee under the PWC diversity mentoring scheme, have a stable mental health that can't impact to my studies, and visit different places in Southampton that I only knew from history.
What has been the hardest aspect of studying in another country? How has the University helped you overcome the challenges?
The language barrier, the weather being so different from what I was used to, cooking for myself, and being so far away from my family were all challenges. International students, on the other hand, can take English classes at the university. This significantly assisted my writing, speaking, and interpersonal communication skills. In addition, the library offers proofreading services for assignments, as well as advise on how to improve your writing skills. Furthermore, the University hosts a variety of activities and groups that help you feel at home while also providing opportunities to network with new people.
How have the people you have met at Southampton changed your life?
At university, I had wonderful friends who helped to encourage one another, and everyone benefited because we were all international students, and the system was different, which supported us in our everyday studies. Furthermore, because the university's teachers are quite supportive, networking with them was effortless, which I consider to be a plus.
What will you do with your degree after you have finished your studies?
I am confident that the holistic experience and knowledge that I will obtain from the programme, combined with my previous job experiences, will be the perfect propeller that I require to help me realise my overall goals and dreams, as well as my career growth.
Can you sum up your University of Southampton experience in three words?
Hardwork, Sociable, Eye-Opening.
Is there anything else you would like to say?
Without the Chevening scholarship, I would not have been able to attend a prominent university such as the University of Southampton.
My career outlook has been extended, and I am glad for the opportunities accorded to me and I'm also thankful for the skills, experience, and friendships I've gained.
What is the name of the scholarship or bursary you have received?
Chevening Scholarship
How has the funding enhanced your experience as a student at the University of Southampton?
The Chevening programme, through FCDO, hosts a variety of events and offers scholars numerous chances. I was able to meet scholars from over 140 countries through the Chevening network, which introduced me to a variety of cultures, ideas, and information that will be valuable in my personal and professional life.
What advice do you have for future applicants who may wish to apply for this scholarship or bursary?
First of all, they have to be prepared which means make the most of the three-month application period. Chevening applications are invited from early August to early November each year, which I believe is enough time to write well-written essays and gather relevant documentation.
Secondly, do not put off taking your language test until you receive your Chevening results. You will feel more confident if you have your language test results with you at the time of application. It will boost your chances of receiving unconditional offers from universities in some way. Because taking the language test is extremely costly, you should consider this price as an investment. I made a mistake to do the English test after getting Chevening results, it was very challenging because I was running with the deadlines. And sometimes you underscore which means you need to do the test again to meet the University criteria.
Because Chevening scholars are known for their strong sense of patriotism, having a goal supported by a well-defined plan is beneficial. This vision should be supported by a well-considered plan. If you could incorporate these into your application essays, that would be ideal.
Finally, never give up and never stop trying.