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The University of Southampton

Health and safety

Do you believe that everyone should be able to work without having their health damaged by their job?

Correct use of equipment

The University of Southampton UNISON branch does. If you share that belief, why not become a UNISON Health and Safety rep?

Our reps help us make workplaces safer. There are 12,000 reps across the UK and we are looking for members to join them as there really is safety in numbers.

Ask any safety rep and they will tell you that this important position is one of the most rewarding in the union.

Safety reps have specific duties, as well as some very important legal rights including the powers to:

You don’t need to be a health and safety expect to consider taking on this role as UNISON provides comprehensive training for all our reps.

The University of Southampton branch is very keen to recruit more safety reps. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact the branch office.

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