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The University of Southampton
UK/China Project on Battery Characterisation and Management

WP4 - System Demonstrator

Work Package 4. System Demonstrator

The study within work packages 1‐3, in batteries, BMS and communications, and power system control and operation, will significantly benefit from demonstrator activity. Crucially, the nature of the UK/China partnership affords this opportunity within both a UK and Chinese context. These demonstrations of V2G operation will directly inform further ‘early adopters’ of this concept, for example UK operation of V2G within multi‐storey car parks or Chinese operation within existing battery charge/swap stations.

Technical Challenge – Demonstration of V2G functionality must extend beyond hardware‐in‐the‐loop laboratory situations and include actual EV transport use to fully test the consortium outputs. Ideally a range of vehicle and battery types would be demonstrated, in both UK and Chinese contexts, to permit study and comparison of different implementations of the consortium research.

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