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The University of Southampton
Virtual Acoustics and Audio Engineering

Mr Michael Cousins BMus


Mr Michael Cousins's photo

Mr Michael Cousins is Postgraduate research student within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Sound reproduction is about convincing a listener that some electrical sequence of zeros and ones is actually a non-existent object making some sound. The brain is surprisingly difficult to deceive.

Michael graduated from the Tonmeister sound recording course at the University of Surrey in 2013. He is now working towards his PhD at the University of Southampton looking into the perception and representation of diffuse sound fields for future object-based audio formats.

Research interests

Michael’s primary research interests are in representing, reproducing and perceiving multi-channel sound. Focus is made towards complex, diffuse sound fields and the signal processing associated with optimising the listener experience.

PhD research

“The Diffuse Sound Object” Supervised by Filippo Maria Fazi , Stefan Bleeck and Frank Melchior from BBC R&D who cosponsor the research along with the EPSRC.

Research projects

The Diffuse Sound Object

Research group

Research project(s)

Diffuse Sound Field Representation

Mr Michael Cousins
Filippo Fazi
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom
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