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The University of Southampton
Virtual Acoustics and Audio Engineering News

VAAE and EAC (Brazil) Colloboration Results In Internoise 2021 Conference Paper

Published: 9 August 2021
Internoise 2021 poster

Recent collaborative work between Jacob Hollebon of the VAAE team, with William Fonseca and Davi Carvalho (EAC, Brazil) has resulted in a conference paper and presentation at the Internoise 2021 conference.

The paper, titled "Head tracker using webcam for auralization" developed a free to download python script that utilises openCV and a webcam to perform listener head orientation tracking, sending the tracking data via UDP for use in auralization software such as for head tracked ambisonics or binaural reproduction. The webcam tracker is also supported in the VAAE's Versatiles Interactive Scene Renderer (VISR), a generalised framework for realtime audio processing. Work at the ISVR was performed to verify the performance of the webcam tracker, comparing it to existing standard head trackers currently used in auralization research. The experimental results demonstrated that the webcam tracker is an effective and easy to use alternative to existing head tracking solutions.

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