This lesson is the continution of General English (A1) with Neil. See that page for more information
Materials Used:
Wilson, J.J. & Clare, A. 2006. Total English: Advanced Student's Book. London: Pearson Longman, specifically unit 9.
Students book, Audio CD
Teacher Education Task
"Tell me... Does anyone know?" Eliciting information from learners
Aim: analyse techniques for eliciting student contributions
Consider the following points:
1) In your own teaching, how do encourage learners to provide you with "bits of target language"? Which elicitation techniques do you use?
2) Do you find any of these ways more or less effective?
3) How do you manage contributions from elicitation in a group discussion?
Now view the video from minute 58 until the end. In this section, the students are asked to come up with 'visionary' ideas and present them to one another. Note down the elicitation techniques of the teacher and the reactions of the students.
Be sure to include the following information
After viewing the video, compare your notes with those of a fellow student teacher and discuss:
What seemed to you to be the best elicitation techniques used?
What was the effect of these methods on the invidiual student?
What was the effect of these methods on the students as a group